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The Friday Five!

Shuffle_1 We skipped out on it last week, but you guys know the drill - every Friday we like to take a cold, hard look at exactly what happens when people press "shuffle" on their iPods.  This week over at The Onion AV Club, they get into the iPod - and the mind - of hilarious writer/comedian/Daily Show personality John Hodgman.  As we're but a small comedy outpost and don't have access to big stars like that, we're gonna see just how cool the library of Gothamist music writer and tastemaker Jen Carlson really is.

Bottle of Blues, Beck
Blackout, British Sea Power
I Know There's An Answer, The Beach Boys
I Think I Smell A Rat, The White Stripes
Hot Winter's Day, Prefuse 73

Pretty cool indeed!  As always, post the first five songs from your own shuffles in the comments section!

April 21, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (35)

LISTEN UP: Your Daily Dose of the Best Music Ever

  • Rodeohead01Aquarium Drunkard heads down to the Durrty South with a couple of tracks from The North Mississippi All-Stars excellent album of blues covers.
  • The Rawking Refuses to Stop gets on his little pony to deliver the message of the awesomeness of Sparklehorse.
  • Good Hodgkins brings us five essential tracks from 2006, with downloads from Destroyer, Belle & Sebastian and Voxtrot.
  • Beirut bears listentening, says Said the Gramophone.
  • Scenestars adds more steam to the engine of the Gnarls Barkley hype train with a nice video of the guys performing "Crazy" on Top of the Pops
  • This is old, but in case you missed it and since it's Friday, Sixeyes reminds us of the hilarity of "Rodeohead" - Hard 'N Phirm's awesome medley of Radiohead songs, played as country bluegrass.

April 21, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (1)

Ashley Parker Angel On Top!

Tifash He made it! Ashley Parker Angel's single "Let U Go" earned Billboard's highest debut this week. It's crazy to think that singer/songwriter like Angel who came out of nowhere and worked his way up could have this big of a debut! I remember a time when he barely had enough money to pay for his pillar candle habit and his Mercedes SLR. Things were tough there, but he and wife Tif, were just innocent kids with a dream and a reality show on MTV.

On May 16th his  debut album drops and fans can finally hear the breath of his solo work. I mean he put his heart and soul into (co)-writing those songs. The whole thing was like a therapy session literally. I mean he had to pay his co-writers by the hour. And now he wants the whole world to see what went into making his dream come true: hard work, determination and endless hours in front of a blue screen reacting to past moments captured by There & Back Producers. What a crazy journey to the top!

April 21, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (1)

Why Buy A Pussycat Doll?

Hasbro is transforming the popular girl-group The Pussycat Dolls into actual dolls. So why would you buy a Pussycat Doll? Well

  • PussycatEach doll sells for $15, which is roughly half as much as the actual Pussycat Dolls sell themselves for.
  • The 12-inch figures will be decked in the Pussycat Dolls' signature short skirts and lace tops-- Not replicas, the ACTUAL short skirts and lace tops.
  • Hasbro's director of marketing says that the new dolls will "reflect the styles and fashions that are popular in the world today..." She then added, "with whores."
  • Hasbro also encourages family members to be "involved in not only the doll-purchasing decision, but also in playing with the dolls." Except for that one creepy uncle. He should stay away.
  • They're marketing the doll to 6 to 9 year olds. I have a feeling the usage of those two numbers is not a coincidence.
  • The PCD's biggest song "Don't Cha" contains the lyrics "I know you want it/ it's easy to see/ And in the back of your mind/ I know you should be f**king me." Awesome! Now replace "f**king" with "buying" and you have yourself one catchy little jingle.

I'm going out and buying myself a Pusscat Doll doll the day they come out. It's all the fun of an actual Pussycat Doll, with half the disease! Order now!

April 21, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (6)

It's Time For Some Kick-Ass Music

I can't come up with words to describe what Paul posted on his blog today... so instead, I'm leaving you with this picture:


Exactly. Paul has ALL 14 TRACKS over at his blog, so go over there and download them NOW. Then sit back, pop open an Asian Experience Lightning Bolt Energy Drink and just enjoy. You know Paul is.

Paul's Blog is the place to be. Or you can pre-order the album on Amazon. Be careful Chuck Norris... your reign as the Number 1 karate-chopping white guy go-to punchline may be over.

April 20, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (0)

LISTEN UP: Your Daily Dose of the Best Music Ever

April 20, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (4)

Sweet Bootleged Dave Matthews Live Footage, Brah

Springtime means a lot of things: nicer weather, less clothing, longer afternoons - and bro'in out to a jammin' live show from The Dave Matthews Band with your bro's, bro.  So get yourself in the "jammy" mood with this sweet footage of DMB Live! (Yes, it's a slow day.)

April 19, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (1)

LISTEN UP: Your Daily Dose of the Best Music Ever

  • Cloudcult_1Gothamist has two songs from The Cloud Cult that have been deemed good enough to receive music criticism's highest honor - comparison to Arcade Fire.
  • ProductshopNYC has a boatload of downloads, with everyone from Miles Davis to Portishead to Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.
  • Said the Gramphone becomes eclectic with three interesting songs from Danielson, The Doers, and Charles Aznavour.
  • I'm Just Sayin' Is All has some nice cuts from Tilly & the Wall, CocoRosie and Arab Strap
  • Pound For Pound has a couple tracks from the new Flaming Lips album, At War With the Mystics.

April 19, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (2)

LISTEN UP: Your Daily Dose of the Best Music Ever

  • Slow_press1Pour yourself a Daily Refill and be the first kid on your block to hear the amazing song "Lighthouse" from Slowlands before the inevitable buzz catches up with them. Stream the rest of their music at their website.
  • The Sixeyes Sixpack has some new stuff from indie buzzbands Museum Pieces and Figurines.
  • EC, EU has posted a couple really nice songs from Josh "No Relation to John" Ritter.
  • MOKB posts a veritable treasure trove of Woxy Lounge Sets, featuring live and acoustic performances from bands like Editors, Clap Your Hands Say Yeah and Voxtrot
  • The Air Strange previews a couple new songs from the next album from Arcade Fire string section's side project, Final Fantasy.
  • What Noisy Cats Are We has some highly-recommended stuff from newcomers Division Day

April 18, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (0)

One More Cup of Coffee Coke

White_stripesIf you would have been focred to make a list of "inevitable commercial pairings" in 2001, I'm curious how many of you would have written down The White Stripes and Coca Cola. I'm not sure I would have.

On the one hand it made sense. You had Jack and Meg, two musicians who dressed solely in red & white garb and sang songs about hotels named Yorba and falling in love with a girl. Cutesy Coke stuff.

But on the other hand, you had Jack and Meg, two kinda freaky people from Detroit who pretended to be brother and sister when they were actually divorced. That's a little too kinky for a soft drink company, I think.

Anyway, since then time has passed, the Stripes threw some black into their wardrobe, and now we have a Jack White- penned Coca Cola advertisement that's cooler than most of what you hear on the radio today. So check it out. It's by far Coke's most rocking-est jingle since "You got the right one baby." Oh wait, that was Pepsi. Hmm. Nevermind. [watch it here. link via The Modern Age]

April 17, 2006 in Music | Permalink | Comments (1)