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The Tony Danza Show Shows Cox!

Brian Cox, the well respected actor who's appeared in such movies as Rushmore and Braveheart dropped by The Tony Danza Show this morning to deliver a very special package. And since he was wearing a kilt, he was able to get to it pretty easily. What I'm trying to say is, Brian Cox lifted up his kilt and showed the world his manhood on The Tony Danza Show today. I guess since it's already been cancelled, Tony & crew just don't give a f**k anymore. Play on playa. [WARNING: The video contains man-junk. However, it's a famous person's man-junk, so no one will judge you for watching it.]

April 3, 2006 | Permalink


holy holy fuck fuck

Posted by: jim | Apr 3, 2006 5:03:21 PM

OMG...this is AMAZING...poor Tony, as if life couldn't get worse...at least he didn't seem to care...

nice cock though cox


Posted by: flipkicks | Apr 3, 2006 5:22:12 PM


Posted by: Chris | Apr 4, 2006 12:19:44 AM

I saw his crumpet and biscuit live on the show and couldn't believe it!

Posted by: Anna | Apr 6, 2006 8:12:20 PM

Do you think he knew what he was doing? He must have.

Posted by: anna | Apr 6, 2006 8:16:55 PM

Showing off the biscuit and gibbles I see. Mmmmm, deleecio

Posted by: Jake | Apr 8, 2006 6:17:10 PM

Hey, I actually watched this show and they had to switch to the opposite side cameras because (as any lady could tell you) he had his kilt tight across his legs and the right side of the audience was shrieking, pointing and laughing during the entire interview. Tony kept asking the audience what is going on over there, (what a dolt!) and Brian Cox asked the audience, "what you liking what you see?" He bloody well knew he was showing the family jewels and I think it was a bit sick. If there were a lot to see, it would have been entertaining!

My husband wears a kilt and there is an appropriate way to sit in a kilt and Brian was absolutely not sitting that way. Oh hell, if you can't watch a little meat on daytime t.v., where the heck can you?

Posted by: TiMarie | Apr 10, 2006 6:10:50 PM

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