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IN CASE YOU MISSED IT: Reality Stars are Scary

I don't know how I missed it, but The Scorned,the first horror film starring only reality stars debuted on DVD last week. The directors cut/unrated version explains all the mysteries and artistic intentions of the film a.k.a gratuitous reality boobies.  Enjoy the varied acting styles of Bob "The goofy Bachelor" Guiney, Jenna Lewis, Ethan Zohn, Johnny Fairplay, Trishelle Cantella Durtiz and other reality stars who made the poor career choice to star in this movie. Watch the trailer for The Scorned. I guarantee you it's not half as scary as E's Kill Reality, the reality show based on the making of this movie.

April 19, 2006 in In Case You Missed It... | Permalink


okay this is off subject. I'm a student. I'm doing a paper on mail-order brides. I was browsing one of the sites that offers romance tours, they had some pictures of one of the brunches where the American men can chat with Russian women and I guess find a bride, who knows. Here's the thing, I swear this is David Arquette at said brunch:

the bottom three pictures on the left, yellow shirt.

Posted by: Erica | Apr 19, 2006 4:02:20 PM

Hey Erica, you sent us into a frenzy over here. As it turns out it IS David Arquette... however, he's promoting his movie "A Foreign Affair." Those pics were taken in 2001.

Thanks for the tip though!

Posted by: bob | Apr 19, 2006 4:41:05 PM

E! aired this "movie" Halloween night. It was so awful... I didn't like any of the people when they were on their respective reality shows, so I really didn't care for this movie. So stupid and I love on during "Kill Reality" they kept on saying some people, such as Ethan, were such great actors, ha. Most say that KR was a great hungover Saturday afternoon show to watch!

Posted by: Allison | Apr 19, 2006 4:57:40 PM

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