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Survivor's Shane has a Crazy Idea


If you watched Survivor: Exile Island last night, you probably think, Shane Powers is going crazy. In last night's episode, Shane threatens to kill one of his competitors  and in the previews for next week, he calls a piece of a wood his Blackberry and claims he's communicating with people "not on this island."

But in case you're worried, Shane's doing just fine. In fact he's never been better, now that he's conceived of a way to get free publicity advice from fans. Powers, a former actor, is now trying to be an icon, with the help of a contest on his website that solicits fans to "conceive, write, photograph, video and document a marketing campaign for "Got Shane?" The Survivor contestant is already selling t-shirts with the milk Shane campaign slogan, but it seems that Powers is planning a major media blitz in an attempt to segueway his reality show appearance into a full fledged career.

According to his website "All submitted material will be reviewed and judged by a special panel appointed by Shane Powers, and Shane himself." We're not sure how he's selecting the panel, but we're certain there's at least one house pet on board. And the grand prize for being Shane Power's publicity director? You get your submission displayed on (drum roll) www.shanepowers.com. I'll admit it's so crazy it just might work. Oh wait, I was talking about the wooden blackberry.

April 21, 2006 in TV | Permalink


If this jackhole wins this season of Survivor, I'll never watch that show, again. He and Johnny Fairplay should have a contest to see who the most detestable piece of shit ever to famewhore himself to Mark Burnett, is. At this point, I think Shane would beat Fairplay (undead granny and all).

Posted by: Kat | Apr 24, 2006 11:32:12 AM

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