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Understanding South Park-gate, and the Meaning of "Synergy"

Tomcruisesouthpark By now you've probably heard how Tom Cruise used his Hollywood heft to pressure Comedy Central into cancelling the re-broadcast of South Park's controversial Scientology episode (which, ironically, ends with Cruise ranting and raving about how he'll sue everyone for making fun of his beliefs). 

You've also heard about Scientologist Isaac Hayes leaving the program after taking offense to the show's poking fun of religion (namely, as creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone insightfully pointed out, when it's his own).  But what does all this corporate showbiz gobbleygook really mean, and how can the whim of one man lord over a major media conglomerate?  Allow me to explain:

Viacom owns Paramout Pictures, most of the known universe and a number of cable networks, including Comedy Central and MTV Networks (who also happens to sign my checks).  Tom Cruise is starring in MI:3, which is Paramount's great white hope for a big summer blockbuster. Industry wisdom suggests that said film will gross more profit proportionally to how much star Cruise chooses to promote the picture (read: go on TV and jump on couches).  If Cruise were to be made unhappy (say, by the Viacom-endorsed satirical indictment of his "religion") and subsequently choose NOT to pimp for the press, the film could face significant losses, which would affect quarterly profits here at the Viacom Mothership.  ALSO, as all of this drama is being played out publicly in the press, it is clearly in Viacom's best interest to pull the episode, keep Cruise happy, and sell a bajillion copies of the "exlusive never-before-seen too-hot-for-TV Extra Special Bonus Edition South Park DVD featuring the controversial episode you've been hearing about!"

To recap: Cruise gets his way.  South Park gets back in the news.  Viacom gets richer.  And I keep getting paychecks. 

THAT, children, is what those of us here in the Viacom family affectionately refer to as "synergy".

March 17, 2006 in Pop Culture | Permalink


Would it be too much to hope that they would just leak the episode on youtube?

Posted by: sarah d. | Mar 17, 2006 1:23:28 PM

Uh...newflash everyone...that episode aired like 3 months ago...how is this news? Has everyone forgotten that this episode is a re-run?

Posted by: Dave | Mar 17, 2006 1:26:43 PM

How come the Normans didn't freak out this much about their episode? Prolly because they are a much smarter cult.

Posted by: chunkyrice13 | Mar 17, 2006 1:38:41 PM

Er, Mormons. Not Normans.

Although really, they should do more episodes making fun of ancient tribal groups. That Mongolians episode was awesome, and I've always found the Visigoths ripe for satire.

Posted by: chunkyrice13 | Mar 17, 2006 1:41:41 PM

I think South Park could openly attack Scientology now...because of the Muslim cartoon business...and find support throughout the legal system for freedom of speech rights. If I were Tom Cruise...I'd start thinking about a low profile for a couple of months and hope these guys don't get aggressive. Timing is everything...and cartoons have now become an awful big stick to wave around.

Posted by: Roy | Mar 17, 2006 1:56:15 PM

Cruise obviously doesn't "get" the fact that by suing and/or threatening to sue whomever mocks him in the media (it's a long list, nowadays), that you just bring MORE attention to the things they're saying about you. Hell, if Hayes hadn't quit and Cruise hadn't gotten his "Gotta sue someone" boner this week, most people wouldn't have even known South Park had an anti-Scientology episode. Their actions JUST made it more popular and in demand! Way to go, dumb asses. Now I REALLY want to see it!

Old PR saying, which is even MORE relevant today, considering the amount of gossip douchepump bloggers out there trying to ruin celeb careers, "Don't roll around in the mud with a pig. You'll just get dirty and the pig likes it."

Posted by: Kat | Mar 17, 2006 2:20:29 PM

did i just get called a douchepump? :)

Posted by: AlexBlagg | Mar 17, 2006 3:13:29 PM

It's "news" because Comedy Central bowed to pressure from that nut job "actor" to pull the episode. Doesn't strike you as odd? Since when does he control things?

Posted by: Robin | Mar 17, 2006 3:28:24 PM

For me the hilarious part is that Tom Cruise said he may not promote the movie HE is producing. In other words if he doesn't get his way he will see to it that he doesn't make as much money as he might with normal publicity.
Exactly how is this a threat again?

Posted by: martiniShark | Mar 17, 2006 4:16:14 PM

Eh...I've seen this episode many, many times. It'll be alright.

Posted by: K. Thomas | Mar 17, 2006 4:37:56 PM

My name is Tom and I give millions to people who help me without aid of perscription drugs and that makes me better than all of you. Sure, I could just stop being a control freak, but that would cost me millions more in "auditing" and I'm hoping MI1200 will help me reach my goal. And yeah, perhaps an hour with Dr. Phil would be the equivalent of an hour of "auditing", but I've got this pod up my butt and when it hatches I'll have total enlightenment and pending bankruptcy. And beside, Dr. Phil has issues of his own.

Posted by: AlienUpMyButt | Mar 17, 2006 4:39:56 PM

Personally, the more Tom Cruise continues to accentuate how insane and retarded he is, the less likely I'm willing to go see MI3. If I were Viacom, I'd piss him off so he shuts up already.

Posted by: Sami | Mar 17, 2006 5:05:37 PM

Douchepump. I kinda like it.

Posted by: sarah d. | Mar 18, 2006 12:40:21 AM

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