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The Apprentice's Biggest Loser


Last night, Brent Buckman was kicked off The Apprentice, in part for being too fat to sell cereal. The overweight attorney from Canada, took the heat in the boardroom for Synergy's failure to win over Post cereal executives. But mostly he was booted for being unanimously considered annoying by all his teammates (who incidentally all had "beautiful figures"  according Trump.)

It appears that Buckman took his fat fish in a small pond experience to heart, and sought revenge on both his teammates and breakfast cereal. According to his website,  Buckman has lost 110 pounds on a own diet of his own creation. The weight loss plan? It consists solely of the breakfast cereal's biggest competition: The Bagel.  Revenge is sweet (and buttered)

March 21, 2006 in TV | Permalink


Dude hung himself in the boardroom last night, but the level of obnoxious disrespect and condescention the guy got every freaking week from the coven of assholes that are on his team? No wonder he flipped out in the boardroom. I wish Trump would fire the entire Synergy team, starting with Andrea, who rivals Omarosa and Alla on my *BITCH MUST DIE* list.

Posted by: Kat | Mar 21, 2006 1:36:22 PM

I hear ya. Brent didn't really do anything on this task to be fired for (mostly because they wouldn't let him do anything at all), and could've easily talked his way out of it if he wasn't such an idiot.

Also, I recall seeing him eat like a million bagles at time in the suite. I guess this "FOUR BAGLE DIET" is the cause there. I would also like to mention that I am sure he designed his own website and has zero aptitude for HTML because that thing is uuugly.

Posted by: Sami | Mar 21, 2006 2:09:37 PM

The Bagel Diet!--You're Fired
What do you do if you are not sharp enough to land the job of "apprentice" with Donald Trump, and you happen to be labled "fat" on national TV? You clean up your act, wisen up and if you are smart, you lose weight and get healthier by eating sensibly, exercising, drinking water and changing your lifestyle permanently.

That would be the smart approach.

Well, Brent Buckman, you were not only fired from the fad TV show, you're obviously a "FAD"--nutritionally speaking! read the article about Mr. Buckman's "amazing" weight loss

To save you the anticipation and wait for what will undoubtedly be his book "The Bagel Diet--sensible eating--You're Fired!", here is the breakdown of his RIDICULOUS and unrealistic way of life:

VERSION 1: (I lost 110 pounds and 10 inches off my waist on this version in one year and two months).
BREAKFAST: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water.
LUNCH: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water.
SNACK: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water.
DINNER: One Bagel with 8 ounces of meat: For example, lean hamburger meat, steak, sliced lean deli meat.
TREAT OPTION 1: Once a week have a meal which has lots of calories: For example, chicken fingers and cheese fries, pizza, ice cream sundae, cake, etc.
TREAT OPTION 2: (FAST RESULTS) Once every two weeks have a meal with lots of calories: For example, chicken fingers and cheese fries, pizza, ice cream sundae, cake, etc .
TREAT OPTION 3: (FAST FAST RESULTS) Once a month take one entire day and eat lots of calories: For example, chicken fingers and cheese fries, pizza, chips, ice cream sundae, cake, etc .
EXERCISE: No excercise necessary. (ah, Brent--NO exercise necessary? AND you can eat ice cream sundaes Once a week?--refer to www.LifeChanger.us for more on the overweight and Obese's ability to control such "comfort" foods in moderation"
VERSION 2: FAST FAST FAST RESULTS (work in progress) I have lost 62 pounds and 11 inches off my waist.
BREAKFAST: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water and a glass of orange juice and a multivitamin.
LUNCH: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water.
SNACK: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water.
DINNER: One Bagel with 8 ounces of meat: For example, lean hamburger meat, steak, sliced lean deli meat.
TREAT: Once a month take one meal and have lots of calories: For example, chicken fingers and cheese fries, pizza, ice cream sundae, cake, etc.
EXERCISE: 1 hour and 30 minutes on treadmill as many times as possible during the week.
EXERCISE BONUS: Swim in a pool as many times as possible during the week if available to you. (ah, Brent, sorry to burst your bubble dude, but telling the Overweight and Obese to jump on a treadmill day one and expect them to do an HOUR and 1/2 of exercise at once, and as often as possible is unrealistic, potentially deadly and just plain right STUPID!)
Note: In all versions do what best suits your lifestyle. You can have two bagels in one meal with light/low fat margarine and therefore skip one meal. For example if you have one bagel at BREAKFAST and two bagels at LUNCH you would skip your SNACK and then have a bagel for DINNER with 8 ounces of meat. (ah, Bagel Boy, recommending skipping meals isn't really a good idea--see me when you regain all your weight and need some real healthy living advice)
During the week: Monday-Friday
BREAKFAST: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water and a glass of orange juice and a multivitamin.
LUNCH: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water.
SNACK: One Bagel toasted with light/low fat margarine and a glass of water.
DINNER: One Bagel with 8 ounces of meat: For example, lean hamburger meat, steak, sliced lean deli meat.
On the weekend: Saturday and Sunday
TREAT: All day Saturday and Sunday eat lots and lots of calories. For example, chicken fingers and cheese fries, pizza, ice cream sundae, cake, etc . You probably will not be able to eat that much because you will not have a big appetite once you lose your weight. (OHMIGOD, Brent, you are a moron!)

Ok, this is where I really have to take issue with this idiotic advice. This is way too much like Bill Phillip's Body for Life, the Cheater's Diet and every other plan that calls for "dieting" all week long and then suggests a free for all food bacchanalia on the weekends.
Let me tell you a real story about someone who went on one of these weekend food fest diets in the pursuit of getting skinny; this woman had lost (AND KEPT OFF FOR 3 years!) 185 pounds with me, even had surgery to get 25 pounds of excess skin cut off of her body--yet she longed for "skinny", so she decided to try Body for Life. Well, that plan allowed her to consume her "vice foods" of cupcakes, hamburgers and candybars on Sunday after having starved herself all week long on a very restrictive "diet" and exercising excessively.
She really enjoyed her food fest day. So much so that by Tuesday, the cupcakes were sounding pretty good--and a hamburger couldn't hurt that much, right?! In her pursuit of "skinny", this woman gained 65 pounds back!
Thankfully, she is off the fad and back on the fact--you can't have the foods you love and still lose weight. Abstainence is much tougher to attempt Monday-Friday if you consume those items at will on Saturday and Sunday. Moderation doesn't work folks if you "LOVE" those food items.
Bagels, sundaes, chicken fingers, cheese fries--these are foods of the OBESE, NOT the fit, not the healthy and certainly not the nutritionally smart. Fire your would be diet guru before he even applies for the job! Brent Buckman--stick a fork in your diet plan, it's DONE!

Posted by: Julia Havey | Mar 24, 2006 1:49:47 PM

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