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Lost Diagram Makes Us More Lost
For all you Lost fans, last night's episode was filled with hidden clues. The biggest came when John Locke was trapped under the door, and a diagram was revealed on the wall. While the producers of the show only wanted you to see the diagram for a second, thanks to modern technology we took a screen grab in order to decode its clues. Unfortunately, we still have no idea what it means. So we're putting our faith in you diehard fans, click on the diagram and tell us what the F it means!
March 30, 2006 in TV | Permalink
My guess is it's a sort of map with the various hatches in pink and the notes of Desmond in green. Why he'd be writing in blacklight markers when the blacklights only pop on once every two seasons is beyond me though.
Either that or a bitchin' recipe for crumbcake.
Posted by: mtrox | Mar 30, 2006 1:58:04 PM
Credo nos in fluctu eodem esse = I think we're on the same wavelength
Sursum corda = lift up your hearts
aegrescit medendo = the treatment is worse than the disease
There is also one on the right side between CV III and CV IV that says: Hic sunt dracones = Here there be dragons
Posted by: Megan | Mar 30, 2006 3:03:11 PM
Quote: "Alledged location of #4, the Flame, but unlikely due to CERBERUS activity"
This must be this nickname for the 'security system' on the island, since cerberus was the gaurd dog to the ates of hell.
Posted by: IsawaTsujice | Mar 30, 2006 4:53:09 PM
Malum consilum quod mutari non potest = "Hahaha I bet the fans are going to post screencaps of this online and scrutinize it to death as if it has any sort of meaning man it's just too easy"
Posted by: Henry | Mar 31, 2006 12:29:52 AM
ok, this is pretty geeky, but a group of friends and i attend weekly Lost getherings. and this past week we had a Locke cake:
some people find the likeness disturbing, but rest assured the cake was delicious....
Posted by: tim | Apr 3, 2006 12:33:19 PM
i've got a recap of "Dave" - with pictures and promos for next week!
check it out: http://peopleofpaper.blogspot.com/2006/04/lost-recap.html
Posted by: tim | Apr 6, 2006 1:54:10 PM
i'm back with a preview for tonight's NEW episode "S.O.S."
Warning: Minor Spoilers!
Posted by: tim | Apr 12, 2006 1:20:07 PM
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