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The Mid-life Crisis Jacket


It's official. The leather biker's jacket is the new symbol of a mid-life crisis. Back in the day a brand new Porsche and a pony tail were surefire signs that a guy approaching 50 was grappling with getting older.

These days it's all about the leather jacket. More specifically, the mock-turtleneck-collared, form-fitting Ducati-inspired biker's jacket. More and more male celebrities are sporting this look all over Hollywood. The aerodynamic collar and sharp darted shoulders are designed to give the impression that these aging celebs can rock climb, drag race or leap from explosions at a moment's notice--cause their lives are just that crazy. Lets take a look at the men who have made this fashion trend a mid-life staple.

46 year old Tom Cruise is the founder of this style. In fact-- based on the last 3 movies he's been in and the trailer for the upcoming Mission Impossible 3, I wouldn't be surprised if he had a leather jacket written into his contract. For the upcoming flick, one biker jacket company provided Tom with 80 special 'Ergonome' leather jackets with elasticated seams so the superhero had ample flexiblity while he hung out by craft services. And remember that movie premiere for War of the Worlds when he arrived wearing the jacket on a motorcycle with Katie Holmes on the back? You probably couldn't handle how edgy and cool he looked.

The there's Brad Pitt. 2005 was a tough year for this mid-40s heartthrob. He got a much publicized divorce and started macking on a women several years his junior. So Brad did what any nearing 40 superstar would do, he got himself a motorcycle jacket and he didn't take it off. The jacket's had an affect on Brad too. He's been blessed with the ability to ride motorcycles and fly helicopters almost as well as his girlfriend.

Recently Desperate Housewives' James Denton was caught sporting the magical youth jacket during an interview. And Matthew Fox held up the red mid-life crisis flag on today's Good Morning America when he appeared in his version of the leather jacket looking very 'dad' cool.

But the clincher was debut the new Ken Doll. When the 43 year old Barbie counterpart got a makeover this year, guess what he was dressed in? You got it---a brand new 4-inch motorcycle jacket. While the look doesn't necessarily appeal to the 6 year old girls who play with him, Ken insists he's never felt better.

February 22, 2006 in Pop Culture | Permalink


Speaking of men gone crazy, thought you should know that there is a dave chapelle block party podcast out there, kids.

All KINDS of fun to be had.

Posted by: sarah d. | Feb 22, 2006 5:20:46 PM

Ahhhh. The black bomber. The 2006 version of the Member's Only jacket.

Posted by: Kat | Feb 24, 2006 4:03:41 PM

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