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Hot on the heels of yesterday's Mike Ditka rap video we have yet ANOTHER sports-music video. Some say sports music-- even worse than rap-metal. Well, I wouldn't go that far.
So this is the 1987 Calgary Flames of the NHL. You see, back in the 80's we had a sport called hockey, and these guys were hockey players. The Flames' slogan that season was "You Can't Stop A Flame When It's Red Hot." I will not argue that.
So watch the video here. And be thankful that the White Sox didn't make one of these after they won the World Series.
December 7, 2005 | Permalink
this is totally unrelated BUT I think i saw this name as a GAG in response to the new PUGGLE! Well whadoyaknow?
They stole your idea Best week EVER!
Posted by: shysquirrelgirl | Dec 8, 2005 10:54:27 AM
i think that the nick and jessica breakup was the worst thing that could have happened i think that they should get back together !
Posted by: hanna | Jan 3, 2006 10:37:11 AM
i think that the nick and jessica breakup was the worst thing that could have happened i think that they should get back together !
Posted by: hanna | Jan 3, 2006 10:38:30 AM
Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you (for repeating your comment over and over), I am grateful (this is not my personal blog) and I appreciate (when ppl don't spam something so public).
Posted by: Secretlayer | Feb 7, 2006 5:28:56 AM
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