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Beckham plays footsies


There was a time when David Beckham's right foot could do no wrong. Then came that missed penalty.Now, in the view of one eagle-eyed magazine editor at least, it appears the most famous foot in Britain has committed another infringement.

Hmm. You have to be a little bit impressed. The guy just never quits. He's accused of adultery every other week and he is still at it and in public no less. If this has any truth to it at all, Beckham better watch out or Posh Spice is going to cut his money makers off.[link]

August 1, 2005 | Permalink


The women sitting opposite David Beckham and appearing to be playing 'footsies' is actually his physiotherapist and it is quite obvious that she is man-ipulating his toes as part of a rehabilitation program designed to keep David 'on his toes' so to say.
Remember David is a highly paid professional footballer; his kicking right foot is his fortune and keeping his pinkies supple and cramp free is essential, hence the masseur.
Easy as that.

Posted by: Howard | Aug 1, 2005 10:19:56 PM

YAARRR! I be a pirate!

Posted by: assmunch assfinger | Aug 2, 2005 1:14:23 AM

He's just testing out the pedicure people, now if it was his cock rubbing on her foot, I'd want his digits and promptly give it Anna Nicole for her abyss. tee - hee.

Posted by: footfetishfrenzy | Aug 2, 2005 1:23:48 AM

Wait a minute, he's got 6 toes on that foot!

Posted by: Folkestone Gerald | Aug 2, 2005 8:18:30 AM

Hes just passing his tinea on

Posted by: areyouitchy | Oct 1, 2005 6:55:41 AM

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