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Monday Morning Quick Hits
Luke Skywalker's lightsaber sells at auction for $200k George Lucas reportedly wonders why he even bothered with
"that prequel crap."
After receiving critical acclaim for remake gems such as The Stepford Wives and Bewitched, Nicole Kidman signs on to tackle a remake of Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
By the power of gayskull, errr grayskull, the first 33 episodes of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe are coming to DVD on Oct 18th.
Proving once and for all that if you lose the carbs, you can lose it all, Atkins shows up in court eager to show off its new, slimmer self.
Unauthorized translation of Harry Potter hits stores in China for 10 times less than what the official book sells for. Unknown if book is by the same person who wrote "Harry Potter and Leopard-Walk-Up-To-Dragon" in 2002.
Jennifer Aniston sends ex-boyfriends plans to sell toilet paper love note down the crapper.
August 1, 2005 | Permalink
Gay teenagers will no doubtley flock to this dvd only because buying gay porno will not be gay enough.
Posted by: javier z. | Aug 2, 2005 11:46:58 PM
Yes the Light saber sold for $200 k but thats chump change when your Elton John and regular dildos dont satify your desire of shoving only the most expensive object up your ass. In related news George Lucas will market light sabers to his most neglected fans wich are gay people who have lives and sleep with guys who are not related to them.
Posted by: javier z. | Aug 2, 2005 11:58:14 PM
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