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Tom Cruise's Personal War of the Worlds


If the movie is as scary as this trailer, we should be worried...[watch now]

I thought my days of laughing at Tom Cruise jokes were coming to an end. I thought that I was laughed out. That the jokes were over. That the sun wouldn't come up today. But then I found this flash video and all my fears vanished.

The folks of Boom Chicago (creators of this precious flash video) are geniuses. If you have an hour to spare, I suggest you start going through all their video archives. After you finish watching Tom Cruise's Personal War of the Worlds...

Check these out:

Hazrad100New on Al Qaeda TV: The Dukes of Haz`rad
Sonda_100 Secret Agent Condolezza Rice is the new 007
Michaelpod_100 New iPod commercial features Michael Jackson

July 12, 2005 | Permalink


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