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Friday Morning Quick Hits: Is this week over yet?
'Desperate Housewives' claims a solid gay following --- Fox immediately signs Bette Midler, Liza Minelli, and Cher to star in "My Big, Gay, Reality TV Show."
CBS still adrift without an anchor.
Kyra Sedgwick declines Playboy offer to show parts that are often zero degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon.
Minor League baseball fans bring baby items to Jennifer Garner's baby shower at stadium to benefit low-income parents. Somehow this makes sense in West Virginia.
2 ATV Riders Crash on the way to the funeral of another ATV Rider. Darwin loves it.
Florida woman and God share a phone number in Bruce Almighty. Two years later, people still call her asking for God. And that's the way the cookie crumbles.
Roman Polanski wins libel suit against Vanity Fair. It's one thing to call him a pedophile but don't you dare say he's "callously indifferent!"
July 22, 2005 | Permalink
This is totally shameless self-promotion, but it does mention BWE and two of your own, Christian Finnegan and Jessi Klein. My latset Village Voice column is on "Sex Lives of Comedians and has quotes from several NYC comics and a few of their partners. The URL is:
Posted by: Rachel Kramer Bussel | Jul 22, 2005 8:45:13 PM
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