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Friday Morning Quick Hits: Stripping ain't easy and the Whorehouse days are officially over.


Britney Spears pregnant with twins AND she's denies any involvement in a (very toxic) naked Vanity Fair cover? The whole world's gone to hell But how are you? (picture thanks to the Gallery of the Absurd)

Natalie Portman's new (bald) look leads to police suspicion. The last Portman role that resulted in this much police activity was when she played Marty in "Beautiful Girls," but that was for a TOTALLY different reason.

The Williams sisters are battling each other again, only this time it's not over some squishy balls. Oh no, this time they are fighting for the same role in the upcoming X-men 3 movie. The role you ask? A bi-sexual hooker. It's a proud moment at the Williams house today...

A birthday party, a stripper, parenting classes, and 2 years probation.  What did you do for juniors sweet 16?

Pauly Shore will send you $1 if you don't laugh at his new TV show on TBS. And I'll send you $5 if you do. Hmm, I wonder who's going to end up losing more money...

Whorehouse Days festival cancelled. Some city councils have no sense of adventure...

July 8, 2005 | Permalink


Now, that is a priceless picture lol Although they made her eyes REALLY far apart.

Posted by: amayaky | Jul 8, 2005 2:23:04 PM

love, love, love the gallery of the absurd! such a great blog! i am happy to see it getting the recognition is so totally deserves. this one takes the cake.

Posted by: Aimee Roo | Jul 9, 2005 12:37:20 PM

haha has britney seen that one yet?

Posted by: joy | Jul 10, 2005 10:55:17 PM

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