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Burger King loves the Coq
Sexual double entendres were removed overnight from Burger King's new website, CoqRoq.com, but the company claims it has received no complaints from consumers or other outside groups, AdAge reports. The deleted content included captions, under photos of young girls, that read: "Groupies love the Coq" and "groupies love Coq."
Burger King just loves the coq. What? too suggestive? they did it first! Don't shoot the messenger.[link]
July 28, 2005 | Permalink
I don't really understand this ad campaign and it really doesn't make me want to eat any of those damn chicken fries they are shilling.
Posted by: Sheas | Jul 28, 2005 3:19:32 PM
And the BK Chicken fries look very phallic. Coincidence? I think not. Don't choke on your chicken, now!
Posted by: nunya | Jul 28, 2005 6:13:37 PM
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